Venus goes direct this week—here’s what this means for your zodiac sign


Venus goes direct this week—here’s what this means for your zodiac sign

Venus goes direct this week—here’s what this means for your zodiac sign

It’s been a long and rocky road—but Venus, the planet of love and money, will finally be turning direct after its cosmic backspin on June 25th. However, you still have a few weeks during the retroshade period, which lasts until July 29th (weeks after the retrograde commences) to work with the lingering energy that began during the pre-retrograde zone on April 9th.   

Here’s your Venus retrograde horoscope. Also, make sure to check your rising sign.


You’ve been in a place of confusion for over a month, as you are finding that the wrong words seem to come out of your mouth at the worst time. Use this time to apologize to your friends for not being sensitive and asserting your anxiety into conversations with them.  


You’ve spent the past few weeks agonizing over your finances—and just when you thought you got a handle on such matters, another bill appears in the mail. Use the lessons you’ve recently learned and implement a payment plan in an effort to deal with your money issues head-on.  


You’re currently spending more time thinking about what you want when it comes to love. Some may say that you’re acting selfish, because they’re not used to your assertive and direct attitude when it comes to matters of the heart, but you’re really just putting your needs first for once.  


It’s not the time to take action or to move forward in life. Use these next weeks as a time to reflect to decide the best course of action. Once you are able to think clearly and plan your agenda, you’ll be able to move forward. Don’t rush the process.  



A new drama with an old friend will re-emerge now. However, you have the option to decide how you want to proceed. Do you want to argue or make amends? Will you choose the high or the low road to make your point? Think things through before you stir the pot.   


Time to face the facts: Your professional vibe could use a little makeover at the moment. Rewrite your resume, spruce up your Instagram account, and make connections on LinkedIn. Yes, that’s right! You’re upgrading your professional life and taking the next steps to revamp your career goals. Establish your status. 



You’ve been putting a lot of pressure on yourself to be perfect. And, you’re finding that perfectionism doesn’t exist. Stop making extremely hard goals for you to achieve in a short period of time and try to reach for the obtainable first. Lightening your load will help you shine brighter. 



If there’s one thing you’ve learned, it’s the importance of boundaries. This lesson is a hard one, but you’re ready to set limits with your crew and crush in an effort to better your life. It’s okay to say “no” every so often—or a few times a day.  



You’ve been on and off with your S.O.—and now you’re on again. Before you begin to overthink the future of your situationship, remember that you wouldn’t enjoy love as much if it wasn’t unpredictable and an adventure. Don’t overthink matters too much. Enjoy the ride! It’ll be fun!  



Summer cleaning, anyone? Yep, that’s right! It’s time to unload all of your knickknacks in an effort to create a more breezy and less cluttered space this summer. You can donate all of the stuff you don’t need to charity or have a yard sale and donate the proceeds.   


After many weeks of trying to reconcile with your ex, you’re finding that there’s no real romantic future between you two. Luckily enough for you, a friendship has bloomed in place of lust recently. Embrace the new direction of your relationship. Open your heart to them as good friends only.  



Karma is on your side right now, as you’re seeing that your efforts in evolving in life are paying off. There may be some minor emotional setbacks over the next few weeks, but all in all, you’re on your way to being fully transformed and lucky in all aspects of life.  

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